Language is a mirror to your personality

Language is a mirror to your personality

In a world where you can be anything: Be kind. Be joyful. Be positive. Be yourself.

I really don’t remember when and where did I come across these words, but I can assure you, the moment my eyes saw these words and mind read it out, my heart captured it. Yes that’s the power of words. It can act as a silver lining to your cloudy days, not to forget it can also bring torrential rain in your normal life. The power assigned to words is magical. You heal listening to motivational words and you suffer agony due to harsh ones, and you also feel disgusted given to listen the gross and crass ones.
And same goes with the speaker. You feel high in respect for all who motivates you; carry a kind of resentment for all those who showers the harsh ones on you and a feeling of disgust for ones using the disgusting words. Yes for the time being you may feel cool and heroic or trendy when hearing those gross words (I believe I do not have to address those words, just for your information F word leading the list though) and get extremely tempted to use these when talking to your friends. The problem is, these
gross words slowly seep into your mind, overpowering your personality, leading to tarnishing your outlook and the worst is you remain oblivion to all while the process goes on and on. My question is why do you have to use these words when you have better ones in your vocab bank? Why do you have to fall into the pit of ruining your outlook by carrying the negative energy (those words definitely will not help build a positive aura) around you always?

Dear readers (largely addressed to student’s community), understand the power that lies within you, realize the potential that flows in your blood, respect the mind and energy that you have been blessed with. Just like you are mindful of what you eat, be mindful of what you speak. I doubt, anyone will wish to feed oneself with poison, knowing the devastating effect it can have. Then why feed your mind with such words? I say mind because all that is articulated is signaled from the mind. In this world when you can be anything, be yourself, the personality which gives good vibes, encourages others, touches hearts and spreads smile, not a frown.

And when you can do that for others, why do you have to be harsh on yourself?

So take time to introspect and understand who you are and what magic can you create with the words that you use.

Remember it is the way you speak and what you speak that defines you, not your grades, no subject proficiency, no scholar badge, no achievements and no accolades. Let’s all make our contribution, big or small, in refining the language around us, being responsible
individuals, passing F for Fantastic, to the next generation and not what your mind just thought.

(The author works at the Faculty of English at DPS Modern Indian School)

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